Thursday, May 10, 2012

013. Reflection

As an English Education major, my goal in life is to teach high school English and one day also publish a memoir of my life or maybe just an autobiography. Having graduated high school in 2003, I should have taken this class in my 8 years of community college, but I never found a good enough instructor to take it with.

Fast forwarding to 2012, I have found a great professor in Jamie Stock. Using her guidance and suggestions, I have become a better writer than I was before 214. My process as a writer has changed dramatically. I used to write a linear essay, and after having finished, gone back and revised part by part. I never thought of the essay as a "whole" entity. I now have a much better method of writing that I will be able to apply to the rest of my work here at the university and eventually in my own personal literary life.

I did not enjoy "food" as a theme of the class at first, because it's too vague of a topic and vegetarianism is something that does not interest me very much. Having finished the class and written countless blog posts and academic essays on the subject, I have grown to like the topic and at the very least, feel more educated on the idea of food and vegetarianism. Using blog posts is a great idea, because the informality of the writing was great but I also wanted to write better as we were given gradually tougher topics. I thoroughly enjoyed blog posts.

I'm going to take pretty much everything I learned in 214 and apply it to the rest of my career as an English major. In most of the classes I have, writing is a primary method of learning and it is something you've never quite "done" with. Next semester, in the Fall, I will be taking the 480 GWAR class, which will be a lot of writing and a sort of sequel to 214. I feel very confident that I will succeed in the GWAR class and pass without a problem, due to the amount of writing and confidence I have from this class.

My final thought would be that I came into this class thinking I was a good writer, but I came out knowing that I am a great writer. I also now know that the potential to write even better and better is just a few keystrokes away. I'm happy with my progress in my writing, and I'm more enthusiastic about the fact that I have mastered the arts of research, exploration, and overall diction. I'm excited to see what's next for myself as a writer.

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