Tuesday, May 8, 2012

011. Research On The Topic Of Incest

Sapphire. Push. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996. Print.

    A fantastic short novel on the subject of a young woman in Harlem, New York City struggling with sexual abuse from her father, weight and image issues, illiteracy, and an abusive mother who doesn't help her care for her two children, birthed from the sexual abuse by her father. An intriguing look at what it means to be African-American in Harlem, NYC in the 1980's and how friends and literacy can pull someone out of the darkest of times. It is a coming-of-age novel that showcases the worst sides of humanity and the evil that some human beings exhibit.

Breau, Elizabeth. "Teaching Rape and Incest." Third Space. Nov. 2003. Web. Apr. 2012. <http://www.thirdspace.ca/journal/article/viewArticle/breau/166>.

    An intense look at one woman's struggles with going to college after being a victim of incest and rape. Wonderfully written and given multiple perspectives and multiple sources. Calling upon personal research, personal experience, and even advice and knowledge from others, a great piece is written for a feminist publication that really shows the empowering nature of women and their ability to overcome even the most evil and sadistic of lives.

Nin, Anaïs. Incest: From A Journal of Love : The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1932-1934. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. Print.

    One woman's diary and journal of events that happened after she reunites with her father after he walked out on her over 20 years ago. Showing a different side of incest, she paints a brighter scene than most have in the past - showing the love and affection that she believes has gone into the experience with her father. With the aid of a therapist, she decides to work through her struggles and turn them into accomplishments. It's definitely a different view on incest and rape than others out there, but it is beautifully put together and the words and images conveyed are received the way the author intends them to.

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